Heute erreichte mich folgender Hilferuf aus der russischen Kälte:
Hello, My name is Elena, I have 31 years old and I live in Russian province. I work in library and after my work I allowed to use computer when it possible. I finded your address in internet and I decided to write you this letter. I have 7-year daughter Angelina, her father abandoned us and we live with my mother. Due to the crisis recently my mother lost job and our situation became very difficult. The price for heating our home is very high and we cannot afford it anymore. The winter is coming and weather is colder each day. We worry if the temperature will become cold in our home, we don’t know how to survive. For heating our home we need portable stove which give heat from burning wood. We have many wood in our region, but we cannot buy the stove in local market because it cost equivalent of 193 Euro and very expensive for us. If you have any old portable wood burning stove, we will be very happy if you can donate it to us and organize transport of its to our address or help us to buy it in our local market. This oven are different, they are from cast iron and weight 100-150kg.
I downloaded our picture to free website and you can see it at: [LINK geht nicht mehr]
It is not of very good quality, but it will give you idea how we look. I hope to hear from you soon and I hope that our situation will become better in the New Year. Elena.
Die Frage ist wieso sich die gute Frau keinen Holzofen leisten kann aber eine
model: FinePix A400
date: 2006:01:05 03:10:29
automatic exposure with flash.
Software: ACD Systems Digital Imaging
wie aus den Metainformationen des Bildes zu lesen ist. Desweiteren ist es nicht grade easy einen 150 Kilo schweren Holzofen nach Russland zu verschicken, selbst wenn ich einen Gebrauchten zufällig hier rumstehen hätte. Soll ich jetzt dazu animiert werden Geld zu senden, oder haben die es wirklich auf Öfen abgesehen um das Metal zu verkaufen? Dreiste Geschichte jedenfalls, die auch hier in einem Scammerforum dokumentiert und diskutiert wird.
Die weitere Diskussion:
hi elena, you have a pretty expensive camera..why dont you trade it in for a stove? unfortunatly i dont know where to buy stoves here. do you have paypal at hand ? ich can send you 193€ so you can buy a stove to burn wood. do many people do that ? the woods might be empty very soon. i m afraid thats not a good idea since most mail with money will probably be stolen.
Dear Michael, Thank you very much for your message. I don’t have a camera, this photo has been made by my friend. I have 31 years, my daugher Angelina is 7 years. My mother is 55 years. We are only three persons in our family and nobody help us. It is the first year since Angelina goes to school and she receive high grades. It make me and my mother happy. We live in central region of Russia, Kaluga town what is approxim. 190kms to south-west from Moscow. The winter is coming and weather becomes colder and colder each day. We don’t know what to do and how to heat our home. I would be very grateful to you if you can help us to buy portable wood burning stove in our local market. It is made from cast-iron and weight 115kg. We have many wood in our region and this stove will heat our home the all winter. We already have a chimney and we will connect it to the stove not to have the smoke inside of our home. Price of this stove in our local market is 6761 Russian rubles (equivalent of 193 Euros), but my salary is very small and we cannot buy it.
I hope for your help.
how will i be able to send you money ?
Thank you very much for your message. If you can help us to buy the stove, you can send your help to my bank account.
do you have paypal ?
No, I don’t have paypal.
whats your bankaccount then?
Elena. Thank you very much for your message. You can send your help in a letter to our address is:
Elena Galitsyna,
Ulica Kirova 25-54,
Kaluga, 248000
i m afraid thats not a good idea since most mail with money will
probably be stolen.
…to be continued
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